Spring Sing & The American A Cappella Alliance
The AACA promotes a cappella ensemble singing of all styles of popular music.
Counting down to Spring Sing 68 • April 25–27 • Denver, Colorado
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Registration is now open!
Join our Spring Sing 68 hosts, The New Wizard Oil Combination, April 25-27, 2024—in fabulous Denver—the mile-high city—for a fun-filled weekend of entertainment, friendship, and great a cappella! The venues for this favorite event will include the Warwick Hotel, Denver Public Revival House, the beautiful Trinity United Methodist Church and the Wood Boss Brewing Company.
AACA Groups
Guest Group Favorites
Photo credits
Hero Image, DenverMountains_MarkScottAustinTX
Save the Date Carousel: DenverDowntown_ShashiBellamkonda, WarwickDenverHotel, RevivalDenverPublicHouse, TrinityUnitedMethodistChurch, WoodsBossBrewingCompany