The American A Cappella Alliance (AACA) strongly encourages all attendees to consider testing for COVID-19 before coming to Spring Sing. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within 5 days of arrival, have been exposed to someone testing positive within 5 days, or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, we ask that you please stay home. Full or partial refunds for attendees who must cancel because of illness or exposure may be granted on an individual basis by petition to the AACA Board of Directors.
Masks are encouraged but not required at Spring Sing. We also encourage attendees to take precautions while traveling to Spring Sing. Consider masking in high-density areas such as airports and airplanes.
AACA asks that you please take every precaution to help protect the health and well-being of everyone in attendance at Spring Sing and of the greater community while participating in this event. Many AACA members are caretakers for high-risk individuals or are high-risk themselves. Let’s do everything possible to keep each other safe and still have our beloved Spring Sing. Above all, be kind to one another.
News and Updates
- Spring Sing 65 – Bar Harbor Recordings Posted January 1, 2023
- A Cappella Thrives in the Time of Covid-19 and Physical Distance-Sing (Updated September 18, 2021) April 25, 2020
- Words and Music to “That’s Spring Sing to Me” May 17, 2019
- Fun Things to Do in Princeton April 17, 2018
- Food and Dining Spring Sing 2018 April 17, 2018